手巻き寿司 Hand-rolled Sushi


手巻き寿司 Hand-rolled Sushi

手巻き寿司 写真素材 [ 199592 ] - フォトライブラリー photolibrary

●Ingredients( 4 servings)

Sushi rice 800g
Tine fillet 120g
Squid and Natto beans
  Squid thinnly sliced 100g
  4Tbsp Natto beans
  1 tbsp rinced scallions
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 tbsp mustard
Crabmeat and Mayonnaise
Canned crabmeat 150g
2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
1/2 Cucumber
1/2 Avocado
Takuan pickle 50g
8 Green shiso leaves
20 sheets Nori Seaweed toasted
Soy sauce
Grated Wasabi Horseradish
Sweet Vinegared Ginger


1. Prepare Sushi Rice
2. Cut tuna into thin strips
3. Mince natto coarsely, season with soy sauce and mustard,
add squid and rinsed scallions and mix.
4. Mix crabmeat and mayonnaise.
5. Cut cucumber and avocado into thin sticks.
Cut takuan pickle into 2inch lengths.
6. Cut nori sheets in half to make rectangles.
7. Arrange rice, ingredients, condiments, and nori sheets on serving plates.
As for ingredients, sea bream, squid, octopus, shrimp, sea urchin, salmon roe
and rolled omelette are also recommended.
8. Help yourself to rice and ingredients. Spread rice on a nori sheet, take
any ingredients and make a sushi roll to eat. Serve with soy sauce , grated
wasabi horseradish and sweet vinegared ginger.



